The North Sea Internet Exchange

Say goodbye to expensive IXP ports. The internet is designed to be open and collaborative,
and not designed for charging overly much money for getting traffic across. Join the exchanging revolution today.

Our members (total: 13)

AS Number Name Location Port size Status
AS50917 AMS, NL 40GE
AS214809 Stocade AMS, NL 10GE
AS214757 Jakub Krsa AMS, NL 10GE
AS205755 Sdnbucks AMS, NL 10GE
AS200149 Project NIX AMS, NL 10GE
AS8283 Netwerkvereniging ColoClue AMS, NL 10GE
AS215605 InformatiQ AMS, NL 10GE
AS210645 Dominik Dobrowolski AMS, NL 100GE
AS215248 Bastiaan Mathijs Brink AMS, NL 10GE
AS60223 Netiface Europe AMS, NL 10GE
AS60431 PNO Solutions Limited AMS, NL 10GE
AS214481 Chunkserve AMS, NL 10GE
AS150623 HostDZire AMS, NL 10GE

About NSIX

North Sea Internet Exchange is an open IXP dedicated to making internet traffic more affordable and accessible. We provide a neutral platform where networks can connect and exchange traffic efficiently, without the high costs. Our mission is simple: to make connectivity open, fair, and better for everyone.